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APRIL 2024 – The US Department of Energy has issued two useful guides for replacing retiring coal-fired power stations with nuclear power plants.

DECEMBER 2021 – University of Queensland, “What would be required for nuclear energy plants to be operating in Australia from the 2030s?”

AUGUST 2022 - SMR-NT was invited to take part in a Mamamia podcast on nuclear power

2021 – New report from NuScale (USA) examines the benefits of re-powering retiring coal fired power stations with SMRs, including the transition of workers to similar positions

DECEMBER 2021 – University of Queensland, “What would be required for nuclear energy plants to be operating in Australia from the 2030s?”

DECEMBER 2020 – New report from Tractebel (Belgium) identifies the factors to be considered for deployment of SMRs

SEPTEMBER 2020 – NSW Government response to Legislative Council Standing Committee on State Development Uranium Mining and Nuclear Facilities (Prohibitions) Repeal Bill 2019 Report 46, March 2020

DECEMBER 2019 “Not without your approval: a way forward for nuclear technology in Australia”

Report of the inquiry into the prerequisites for nuclear energy in Australia House of Representatives Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy.


SMR Nuclear Technology welcomes the release of the Federal Nuclear Inquiry report and is pleased that there are many references to the SMR-NT submission (number 39) in the report.


The Environment and Energy Committee of the House of Representatives has recommended the introduction of nuclear technology in Australia subject to community agreement.


The Committee report  has made three very sensible recommendations to the Commonwealth Government:


  1. That nuclear technology be considered as part of the future energy mix;

  2. That the Government undertake a body of work to progress the understanding of nuclear technology in the Australian context; and

  3. That the Government consider lifting the current moratorium on nuclear energy partially—that is, for new and emerging nuclear technologies only, and conditionally—that is, subject to the results of a technology assessment and to a commitment to community consent for approving nuclear facilities.


These three recommendations will be welcomed both by industry and by the wider community.

New OECD-NEA report examines the costs of alternative low-carbon electricity systems

AUGUST 2018 – New system analysis demonstrates the potential value of nuclear power in Australia. “Reliable and Affordable Electric Power Generation” – Paper by Electric Power Consulting.

MAY 2018 – “Nuclear Power and its Potential Role in Economic Development in Australia"

Robert Pritchard, Executive Director, Energy Policy Institute of Australia

NOVEMBER 2017 – “Energy Governance Challenges: More Responsive Market Institutions" – presentation to the ATSE NSW Energy Symposium

Robert Pritchard, Executive Director, Energy Policy Institute of Australia

FEBRUARY 2017 – Lifting the Nuclear Ban in Australia (Paper by Barry Murphy)

JANUARY 2013 – Contemplating Nuclear Power Generation Today: Managing Energy Security Risk, Reducing GHG Emissions and Prioritising Public Safety – Robert Pritchard and Helen Cook, Published by the OGEL Journal (Oil, Gas, Energy Law Intelligence).


All information on this website is provided in good faith by SMR-NT for general information only. Some of it is incomplete. Some of it is from third party sources and unverified. None of it is intended to provide a basis for any investment or other action by any party. SMR-NT will not be liable to any party for any error, omission, ambiguity or lack of completeness.

© 2023 by SMR Nuclear Technology Pty Ltd

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